Les matières à privilégier pour une garde-robe durable

Materials to choose for a more sustainable wardrobe

What materials should you choose for a more responsible wardrobe?

Moving towards more sustainable fashion of course requires an informed choice of materials to favor in your wardrobe.

Organic cotton

Cotton is one of the most commonly used materials in the textile industry, but it is also one of the most polluting. Conventional cotton is often grown with pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which have harmful effects on the environment and the health of local farmers. Conventional cotton crops also consume a lot of water.
Organic cotton, on the other hand, is grown without harmful chemicals and requires less water. Organic cotton clothes are just as soft, comfortable and last over time.


Linen is a natural and sustainable material mainly produced in France, generally grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. It is also biodegradable and compostable. Linen clothing is light, breathable and can be worn in both summer and winter.
Linen can also be mixed with other materials, such as organic cotton.


Tencel is a fiber produced from eucalyptus pulp. It is also biodegradable and compostable. Tencel clothing is soft and comfortable. They also have the advantage of being resistant and rarely damaged over time.

By choosing natural materials for your wardrobe, you can limit the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and water on your scale.