La seconde main : pourquoi on s’y met tous ?

The second hand: why do we all get into it?

Why opt for second-hand clothes and accessories?

In recent years, the purchase of second hand has been gaining ground and this is excellent news ! If you are not yet convinced, we explain to you why it is time to get started.

In 2019, 40% of French people bought at least one second-hand piece according to a study by the Institut Français de la Mode [1] . They were 30% in 2018, only 15% in 2009.

And the year 2020 has seen experimentation flourish, with a wide variety of projects, online or in-store, between individuals or via a distributor, from hyper-accessible to luxury, putting the second hand within everyone's reach.
A real fundamental movement, which reflects the awareness by consumers of its (many) benefits.

Haven't taken the plunge yet?

We return here to the advantages of the second hand , to give you all the good reasons to join the movement!

Choose second-hand clothes and accessories to save money

Buying second-hand means buying at a reduced price and making substantial savings. The amount of the discount depends on a series of parameters (condition of the garment, age, rarity, etc.) but can frequently reach 50 to 75%.

This is an opportunity to buy beautiful pieces that are usually inaccessible . Or to benefit, for an equivalent price , from a higher quality than what you would have bought new.

To you the beautiful materials, the pretty cuts and the clothes which last for a reasonable budget !

Unearth rare gems in second-hand clothing and accessories

Buying second-hand is a way to find the jacket or dress that passed you by because the shop had been robbed or there was no more stock online!

It's also being able to find a past piece that you loved, unfortunately not renewed by the brand. Aficionados of a cult model can hope to get their hands on their favorite that hasn't been sold for years.

And since fashion is always starting over, you are on top of the trend with a piece from a few years ago , while being sure not to meet 50 people with the same model.

Playing with your style with vintage and second-hand pieces

Clothing or accessories, men's, women's or children's, vintage or contemporary, luxury or more accessible… the second-hand offer is now so vast that it is possible to find absolutely everything . And sometimes even new pieces or only worn for a shoot, a fashion show, a fitting.

Gone are the days when untidy clothes were crammed into unappealing stores. The second hand has undergone its transformation and offers an experience close to buying new , with clean, quality pieces, well showcased (long live the pretty photos!).

If you are addicted to trends or a fan of shopping, second-hand can become your favorite playground : it allows you to renew your wardrobe while limiting your ecological and social impact.

You can also decide to add your touch by adapting the pieces : belting a slightly wide dress, upcycling a patinated jacket, transforming too short jeans into shorts, hiding a tear under a patch, etc... the possibilities are endless, let your creativity and your imagination express themselves!

With the second hand, you can put together a unique, fun and stylish wardrobe .

Reduce its environmental and social impact through second-hand pieces that have already been worn

Sadly known fact: fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world.

Extending the life of a piece not only saves the resources needed to produce a new product , but also contributes to the reduction of textile waste . Crucial when you know that the vast majority of clothes are difficult to recycle, due to the mixture of fibers that compose them.

Beyond its ecological impact, fast fashion also has a social impact that no longer needs to be proven: the men and women who make these clothes work in conditions close to exploitation, and are often exposed to substances toxic.

You can choose to favor second-hand purchases from ethical and eco-responsible brands. Even if their prices are sometimes higher than those of fast-fashion ( the virtuous has a cost! ), second-hand, they become more than affordable.

As you have understood, by buying second-hand, you limit your negative impact on the planet and contribute, at your level, to making the economy more virtuous.

In the end, we are very close to the experience of buying new , with quality parts, sometimes almost new, offering all the guarantees that consumers are entitled to expect.

With this little extra soul : by choosing the second hand, you contribute to the movement towards an economy that is more respectful of people and the environment.

So, we bet you'll like it?

[1] IFM study: