4 fashion trends in 2023

Here we present to you 4 fashion trends that have emerged for 2023:

1. Plant prints

Plant prints will be very popular in 2023: floral patterns, foliage or other shapes inspired by nature. The colors are bright, cheerful, ranging from dark green to candy pink.

2. Pastel colors

Pastel colors will still be on trend in 2023, bringing a touch of softness and sophistication to any outfit. We can expect to see pink, pale blues, water mint green or creamy yellow. Pastel shades can be combined with timeless ones to create colorful and soft looks .

3. Oversized cuts

The oversize style , with its wide and relaxed cuts, offers a very casual and elegant look. Oversized clothes will have their place in your wardrobe in 2023.

4. Recycled plastic fabrics

More and more brands are positioning themselves on manufacturing from recycled fabrics to meet new consumer expectations. Recycled plastic will be one of the trendy materials to follow this year!