Le BHV MARAIS s'associe une nouvelle fois avec Paradigme sur la seconde main

BHV MARAIS once again partners with Paradigme on second hand

From July 7 to 9, 2023, BHV MARAIS renews the clothing collection experience with Paradigme!

Last January, BHV MARAIS customers were able to resell their clothes for BHV gift cards.

More than 500 items of clothing were collected and then resold in the BHV corner on paradigm.fr or donated to an association .

Following the success of this event, BHV MARAIS and Paradigme are renewing their second-hand partnership.

See you at the Rivoli store from July 7 to 9 !

During these three days , BHV MARAIS customers are invited to resell the clothes they no longer wear from brands taken over by Paradigme. In exchange, they will be rewarded with a gift card matched by Le BHV MARAIS. Fashion, decoration, or even food, the BHV gift card will be valid in store and on the bhv.fr website.

The clothing recovered will then be resold in the BHV section on paradigm.fr or donated to Emmaüs Défi .

“During the last collection, a customer was able to resell more than 40 items of clothing at once , something she could never have done via another second-hand platform! "

A wonderful renewed partnership between Le BHV MARAIS and Paradigme to very easily extend the life of its clothing .

Meet from July 7 to 9 to take part in this big collection!