Interview de Laura - Créatrice de contenu mode responsable et do it yourself

Interview with Laura - Creator of responsible fashion and do it yourself content

Interview with Laura - Responsible fashion and DIY content creator

Through our portraits, we give voice to people who inspire us and who share our values ​​💛

Today, find the interview with Laura , creator of responsible and do it yourself fashion content on Instagram and TikTok.

Can you introduce yourself ?

My name is Laura and I am 21 years old! I am a work-study communications student and content creator on social networks. Passionate about sewing for 3 years, I share my creations and my advice on my Instagram account ( @_ lautons_ ) and TikTok ( @ laurajrdn ).

I try to make sewing as accessible as possible and to dust off the clichés associated with the practice. You can sew your clothes very well and have perfectly trendy pieces .


How would you define your style?

I have a very simple style! I like pretty, well-tailored cuts, colors (especially pink) and beautiful materials. Everything that is timeless and of good enough quality to be kept for a long time . That's also why I love sewing , it allows me to have perfectly cut clothes and make them last over time .

I have been trying to dress exclusively for 2 years now with ethical and second-hand brands ! My wardrobe is 90% floral prints and white tops in all forms.


What inspires you on a daily basis?

I spend way too much time on TikTok, I can't tell you how many fashion videos I've recorded! I find it much easier to get inspiration from videos and see people dressing live and explaining why they combine certain pieces together or even how they “hack” them.

Photo inspirations can quickly become very staid and seem more difficult to reproduce.

Your tips for boosting your self-confidence?

Colors ! When I see someone on the street wearing brightly colored pieces it immediately makes me smile . I bought myself a pink down jacket last winter and pink pants too and nothing makes me happier than when I wear them!

photo @_lautons_

For you, what is THE piece to have in your wardrobe?

Well-tailored jeans are a lifelong quest, but once you've found them, no matter what you wear with them, they'll have an effect because they fit you well!

And the one you couldn't part with?

In the same vein as the previous question, Levi's ribcage straight ankles jeans , I bought my first one 3 years ago in store and now that I know my size I buy them in all colors second hand!

I would also have said my pink down jacket , I'll say it again but it makes me happy as soon as I wear it.

Photo @laurajrdn

Your favorite on Paradigme?

This little white Petite Mendigote dress with its magnificent lace details, it looks very vintage . I think it can be worn perfectly in summer or fall with a turtleneck underneath. In addition, the cut and color make it timeless and the material looks very pretty.

Second-hand white dress Petite Mendigote

Your most beautiful piece found second hand?

Found in high school, it is still my most beautiful nugget to this day. I was lucky to have a Red Cross store a few blocks from my establishment. I found a pair of light blue Levi's bootcut jeans that fit me perfectly for only €3. I am convinced that it had been altered in length because I am rather short and it falls to the right size, him and me it was destiny. I've never left it since!

What is your opinion on Green Friday?

I think it is extremely important to remember that sales are originally used to get rid of stocks to prevent unsold items from ending up in the trash. Today, Black Friday is completely the opposite since stores tend to overproduce to prepare for this big day of compulsive buying. Green Friday is a way of denouncing this race to buy and proving that it is possible to consume differently (with second hand for example!) It's cool to see that this type of initiative takes so much scale and helps more and more people to question themselves, it gives a little hope for the future!