Paradigme - Portrait Chloé Chabaud - Co-fondatrice de la marque Graine

Interview with Chloé Chabaud - Co-founder of the Graine brand

Meeting with Chloé Chabaud: Co-Creator of the Responsible Fashion Brand Graine

Of Basque origin, bathed by the waves, Chloé Chabaud shines with her audacity and creativity. In tandem with her father Christophe , she created Graine , a committed clothing brand , combining harmony, aesthetics and ecological awareness.


Chloé 's creations evoke the beauty of nature and the complexity of our times. Inspired by the seasons and panoramas that surround it, Graine presents vibrant and responsible collections , made in workshops nestled in Portugal .

Graine is committed at each stage of its production to reducing its environmental footprint . From sustainable materials to respectful manufacturing techniques, every aspect of the brand is designed with sustainability in mind. A little subtlety : the labels accompanying the pieces in the collection are made up of flower and vegetable seeds. Simply plant them and water them regularly to create a “mini vegetable garden”.


In a discussion with Paradigme , Chloé shares her passion and vision for Graine:

What pushed you to found this brand with your father?

"The primary motivation is to work as a family. It's magical to work with your father, both on a human and professional level. His 30 years of experience brings me a lot and we really complement each other!"

What are your main sources of inspiration?

"I am inspired by everything around me. We have land in Spain with olive and almond trees. We spend half our time there and it is very inspiring. My friends inspire me every day and my mother is my muse!

Could you describe Graine’s style to us?

"Graine is a comfortable and practical wardrobe . Neither too feminine nor too masculine. I believe that being in a duo with my father brings this aesthetic bordering on unisex. The materials we choose really define Graine's style. "

How does Graine integrate sustainability into its collections?

“We make two collections a year, trying to build pieces that will last. Sustainability is evident in the choice of our materials and in the cuts.”

What are the main challenges you face as a responsible fashion designer?

“Fashion is one of the most polluting sectors. I must therefore always look with my teams for the best alternatives that can reduce our impact. Great mission because we must also include the financial aspect and try to satisfy everyone. "

How would you describe your latest collection?

" My latest collection is very soft. The cotton gauze is very pleasant to wear. The colors are radiant. I think it's a real bright summer collection!"

What are your aspirations for the future of Graine and how do you envisage its evolution?

"Graine has existed since 2018 and it's already incredible to think about the 15th collection. I am very grateful to the boutiques that represent us and to our community which grows from season to season. Every year, we question our entire landscape. It There is no one subject more important than another. So I would say that I want to take Graine as far as possible by trying to get as close as possible to our convictions and commitments!”

Chloé Chabaud embodies a new generation of creators, combining aesthetics and ethics in a push towards more sustainable fashion.