Opération réussie pour la collecte Paradigme au BHV Marais

Successful operation for Paradigme collection at BHV Marais

+ 500 pieces collected in one weekend: Paradigme X BHV Marais, a successful operation!

Record broken for a Paradigme collection weekend! At the end of January, we were at BHV Marais to organize a large clothing collection for BHV vouchers.

Summary of the Paradigme x BHV Marais operation:

  • +500 coins collected in 3 days. Nearly 400 are now available on paradigm.fr and more than 100 have been donated to the Porteurs d’Espoir association.
  • Of the 100 people who came to deposit coins, 15 returned during the weekend, convinced by their first deposit
  • The record for deposits by a single person has been broken: 42 coins compared to 38 for the previous record!

The success of Paradigme’s second-hand offering

This weekend showed great enthusiasm for the operation, with customers particularly appreciating:

  • The simplicity and speed of the sale : no need to wait to receive your profit
  • The idea of ​​getting started with “barter” : vouchers could be spent in the section of their choice at BHV, no need to buy new fashion
  • The smile of the Paradigme team , still in a good mood after 30 hours of collection!

After having been checked , estimated and repaired , the collected clothes are now available on our eshop in the BHV Marais collection!