Interview d'Anne-Sophie - Première cliente parad

Interview with Anne-Sophie - Paradigme's first client

Interview with Anne-Sophie

A few days after the launch of our new “Portrait” section, we continue to give voice to people who inspire us and who share our values, through these written interviews.

Today, find that of Anne-Sophie, the very first client to have changed Paradigm 💛

Can you introduce yourself ?

Hello ! My name is Anne-Sophie, I'm 27, I'm a pharmacist and I live in Paris.

How would you define your style of dress?

I would say that I have a rather feminine style. I alternate between a more Parisian style, or another more relaxed or casual depending on my mood and my desires!

The piece in your dressing room that you will never be able to part with?

Without hesitation, my khaki green bomber jacket! For me it's timeless, a real timeless, I love it!

Bomber Anne-Sophie

Your most beautiful piece found second-hand?

A great parka Belair , mottled on Vinted !

Belair parka

Your Paradigm favourites?

The Côtelé Paris jacket in navy blue , and a Courtois Paris hat . I couldn't resist, they are in my closet now, and I love wearing them! I can't wait to discover your new pieces and new brands!

Do you have any little tips to apply on a daily basis to consume or live more responsibly?

Something we don't think of directly but which has a real impact: swapping household cleaning products for white vinegar! Much cleaner for the planet, more economical and just as effective.

You can also use apps that allow you to buy unsold food, such as Too Good To Go , and turn down the heat.

What are your latest cultural discoveries to share with us? (cinema, exhibition, book, series, podcast, music, etc.)

For music, I discovered two great singers: Years and Lana Lubany . Listen now! I also listened to the podcast President.iel during the campaign, which I found very interesting.

For a slightly more literary side, I would recommend the book “ Learning to Live Happy ” by Seneca, and the exhibition Networks worlds in Pompidou.