Interview de Noëllie - Co-fondatrice de Bombo : marque de vêtements et teintures végétales

Interview with Noëllie - Co-founder of Bombo: brand of clothing and vegetable dyes

Noëllie - Co-founder of Bombo: brand of clothing and vegetable dyes

Can you introduce yourself ?

My name is Noëllie , I'm 32 years old and I co-created Bombo , a brand of vegetable dyed clothing, with two friends of mine, Laurine and Fanny . Today, we are all settled in Marseille !


How would you define your style?

Quite varied! I can also dress very simply, with timeless basics like raw jeans and a white t-shirt , or quite vintage with a lot of things that I got from my mother and my grandmother, or very dressy and very chic for going out. From one day to the next, or even from one morning to the evening, I can really have two completely different styles. And often, I like to have a pop of color on me.

What inspires you on a daily basis ?

My reading , my podcast listening, my friends , my family , everything around me :-)

Your tips to boost your self-confidence?

When I need to regain self-confidence, I try to really desacralize , demonize and bring back to reality the things or people who intimidate me. Without looking down on them, but just taking a step back . And I also try to convince myself that my words, like my body, have their place and their value in this world!

For you, what is THE piece to have in your wardrobe?

I have a hard time choosing between well-cut jeans that are both comfortable and look good, or a nice sweatshirt , with the same criteria :-)

And the one you could n't not separate?

Clearly the same two as in the previous question!

Your Favorites on Paradigme?

I think I really like Manoush 's Python top but I'm also hesitant with Manoush 's sequined pants or Maison Lemoine 's Alex pants ...

Your most beautiful pieces found second hand?

A lot of my favorite pieces come second hand! But for example, I still have a big red coat that I've worn every year for 10 years , a long black velvet dress, a long floral skirt...