10 astuces simples pour mieux consommer la mode

10 simple tips for better fashion consumption

10 tips for better fashion consumption

Building a sustainable or ethical wardrobe from scratch is, at first glance, intimidating .

However, it’s not as hard as you think to build a sustainable wardrobe – and it’s definitely worth it in the long run!

Here we've rounded up 10 tips for creating a more sustainable wardrobe without a lot of effort.

1) Go beyond the 30 uses test

For years, the benchmark for purchasing a new item of clothing has been to aim for a minimum of 30 uses . The 30 Wears Challenge was invented by Eco Age co-founder Livia Firth and journalist Lucy Seigle in 2015. The challenge encourages us to ask ourselves if we would wear a piece at least 30 times before wearing it. buy . Today we can aim to exceed these 30 uses.

2) Be more informed about your clothes

One of the hardest things about trying to adopt more responsible purchasing behaviors is knowing where to start and, more importantly, where to buy. Fortunately, today it is much easier to navigate because new brands are making more and more efforts at transparency . Find out about the brand and its commitments before purchasing.

Find our advice for choosing the right clothes in this article .

3) Change your habits

Looking for the sensation of newness does not mean that a garment has to be new: you can opt for vintage clothes , second hand or rent outfits for certain occasions.

4) Invest in timeless clothing

Choose clothes that will fit you all year round . Avoid buying an entire summer wardrobe every year. Instead, invest in pieces that will last you for more than one season . Jeans , t-shirts , classic dresses , and timeless coats and jackets will help you build a much more sustainable wardrobe .

5) Donate your used clothes

By donating your unused clothes to an association, rather than leaving them lying around in your wardrobe, you extend the life of your clothes and make people happy. A good formula to keep in mind is to apply the " one in, one out " policy: every time you buy an item of clothing, you give or sell one in exchange.

Find our other tips on what to do with clothes you no longer wear in this article .

6) Take care of your clothes so they last longer

This seems obvious, but it's so important. If you buy better quality clothes, they are likely to last longer. You are also more likely to treat them with more care as they were more expensive. Take care of your clothes and you'll replace them less often .

Find all our tips for extending the life of your clothes in this article .

7) Learn to repair your own clothes

When a piece of clothing tears or a heel breaks, there's no need to throw it away. Learn how to repair your clothes and accessories – or, even simpler, trust a professional to do it . Think twice before using it as an excuse to buy something new.

8) Choose quality over quantity

It's a matter of planning. Buying good quality clothing will cost you more than buying fast fashion clothing . However, we need to change the paradigm. Yes, the product costs more, but you'll likely have it longer and buy less overall per season. By purchasing just a few good quality items per year , rather than many cheaper, poor quality items, you will significantly reduce the impact of your clothing consumption and may even save money over time.

9) Adapt how you spend your money

Instead of spending your savings on a dress or a pair of shoes that you'll only wear for special occasions, invest your money on pieces that you can wear every day. Rather than thinking, “I’ll never spend that much on jeans,” consider that you’re only going to buy one pair of jeans right now. After a few seasons, you'll have a long-lasting wardrobe that you can be proud of.

10) Change paradigm

With more and more brands producing quality pieces that are made to last, dressing more responsibly no longer means making compromises.